Monday, June 11, 2012

Call of the Tropics

I'll be hauling some freaky pottery stuff to "Call of the Tropics" festival in Dayton's Oregon District July 6th, 5-10pm.

I understand it is a cruise in for Hot Rods and some surfer rock & rockabilly will be happening...
It's all to kick off an art show at the Color of Eneregy Galley showcasing tiki art!

I'll be the low brow artist on the street Friday night! :)
I'll be on the main drag (5th street) in front of Loretta Puncer's, Gallery 510, fine art from 5-10.
She asked me to set up a small booth in honor of the event.

So if you need a tiki mug, shot glass, or tiki torch for your own backyard is my job to freak out your neighbors. I'll do my best!

More info:

Street Fair in Yellow Springs 2012

A smattering of items from Street Fair. Was a lot of fun, then it was so hot I thought I might die the last 3 hours there. then, boom, time to go get a margarita, it was over.
Thanks to all the folks who stopped in and said hi, or "oh-I like this stuff..." or went so far as to purchase a piece of art!

I plan to get some stuff up on Etsy soon! 
(...notice I'm trying not to commit to a date...lets shoot for 6-18-12 to have some DotD stuff listed.)

Thanks so much! :)

 DotD horned skull freaking out...settin' stuff everywhere...and tiki's in the back...laughing. Evil tiki's!
 Jelly fish bowl
 Masks, planters & candleholders
 Canister idea
tiki mugs